
Terance Conran: Inspiring Ideas

So this weekend was absolutely HORRIBLE weather-wise! It's April 20th and it snowed...in Seattle!! Now I know we aren't known for blistering hot weather, but it's at least in the 60's - this is just ridiculous! I am still wearing my woolens and pulling on the boots instead of my cute sandals who are just dying to be taken for a stroll after a long winter's hibernation. So with weather like this, I decided it was a perfect afternoon to go hang out at the book store and browse the magazines and design books. I was in need of a serious reality escape!!

There are several interesting products/sites that I found in magazines this afternoon, but I haven't had a chance to look them up, but will soon and let you know if I find anything exciting. But I thought I should share a book that I have gained inspiration from for several years now. Small Spaces by Terence Conran is a beautiful and freshly photographed book with ideas on texture, color, use of space and organization. It is fairly modern in taste and written specifically for smaller spaces, but I find more inspiration from books geared towards small spaces than I do those grand exhibitions of designer homes, which never seem to be very realistic for the average home's square footage, or budget for that matter.

So when you are in need of inspiration on a dreary, cold, snowy, April Sunday (something isn't right about this description), take a trip to the book store and dream up your oasis. And check out Small Spaces too while you are at it!

- Amazon.com: Small Spaces by Terence Conrad

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