
Inaugural Post: A Television Show About Design...Really

Coming up with your very first blog topic can be daunting. You want it to be relevant, cool and interesting. Well, I forgo any of that criteria and am sharing with you something that I just discovered and am not sure why it took me so long to do so.

I have long since given up on those home decorating shows. The shoddy craftsmanship and bizarre do-it-yourself design ideas on a seriously low budget had turned me away years ago. Until recently, I have simply channel-surfed-on-by all the said design shows. Last week I stumbled across a show that was actually about a real design firm and real design projects and with REAL designers! You may have already heard of this show on the Fine Living Network and I am just a late fan, but Design Inc. (http://www.designinc.ca/home/ ) is a show that has some actual design cred. It also doesn't hurt that the show is produced by my fellow people up north.

If you get a chance, check it out. It has some real design value. My only critique is that the show's mantra is that they view a project from start to finish along with the trials and tribulations a designer goes through during a project. It does do just that, but do to the constraints of TV time limitations, there is alot that is missed and is brushed over. But that's just television.

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