I grappled over the idea of wallpapering the main wall behind our bed, but that seemed like too much commitment to a pattern I may or may not still like in a year. I also thought of painting it an accent color, but that didn't seem like the best fit either. Then - a ha! Put molding on the one wall to add visual interest and texture! I love it and can just imagine how a headboard, some art work and new darker lampshades will pop with that added layer. It took my husband about a day and a half to put it up and paint it all and he did a fabulous job. It cost us only around $100 for something that adds a ton of architectural interest...AND I didn't have to face my fear and commit to a pattern! ;) Life is good.

Wow Jess, it's like a whole other room! Lovely, just lovely. lc
Looks beautiful...great job!
I am wondering where you got the chandelier from. I've been looking everywhere for it without any luck. Thanks
We got it from West Elm years ago. They may still carry it since it's been a popular design with high-end and knock-offs. I think I have also seen it at Cost Plus too of all places.
Thank you for your help! I think they are opening West Elm in Toronto soon, so I'll definitely check there.
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